Hope you all having good time at CDAC, Bangalore. I am going
to tell you here just a few points to keep focused from the placement point of
First point and the major one, Follow whatever trainer has
told you. I trust him like God for people like us.
In my time, most of the companies were for .Net, which I know
is given least importance by us. Do not neglect.
The highest package and one of the consistent recruiter asks
C++ and Java.
They ask some puzzles as well (Analytical).
R&D asks C, data structures as well.
Prepare on communication skills as some companies look for
confident candidates (Personal Experience).
Briefly, What to do?
Prepare short hand notes like definitions with
examples for all concepts so that you respond properly. Then, describe.
POCs, you all know, they help you to remember the
concepts all through your lifetime.
I know, companies never ask very advanced concepts.
Straight forward questions. Give straight answer (as told by trainer).
Aptitude, It is required in every field to compete but
the level is easy for here.
Learn Sorting and String programs, some companies even
ask to write these programs.
Do not neglect anyone of these. And of course, if you
know these all, and are not able to make them understand, other friend may get
the chance.
My Experience
There was written exam for Java,
.NET, Aptitude and Web Technolgies, each
separately at same time. It was easy and my .NET was good than many of colleagues, which helped me
more. Around 27 cleared the written test. Luck was with me that day that HR and
Technical round both were at the same time. For interview, I went after 23
people and when I was asking others about what they are asking, some said “nothing,
just HR” & some “Both java and .NET”.
I relaxed a little bit then. It was my 5th consecutive day,
and all day till almost last rounds.
When I entered, one lady and one
Person were there. Lady started asking me about myself and from resume. I replied
with confidence. She asked “Would you choose .NET or Java because you have done
Training in .NET and projects in Java & .NET both?” I replied, “I have
learnt many technologies in CDAC and learnt basic thing that concepts are
persistent over all technologies. I am not a fan of any technology but if had
to select only one, I would select .NET”. She said, “Finally, we have found one
guy who knows .NET”. That was the moment.
My confidence increased then and I answered
around 8 .net Technical questions with real life examples like Cricinfo for
AJAX. Got the good news soon.
Hope this gives you motivation to
do well in your placements and might even see you in my company.
Here is link for C++ Summary: C++ qick reference notes by Rajesh Mishra
of Luck. You are the creator of your own destiny
For any Kind of Help, feel free to contact: rajeshmishra90@gmail.com
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