With all the happiness this rainy season has bought with it, I, Rajesh Mishra, will be giving you direction for Cdac final theory exam(so called "Pune Adventure") so that you do not feel yourself in dilemma, at this crucial time.
I am going to give subject wise sample papers link, a quick intro about project and a few tips from my personal experience. So, Lets get started.
I am going to give subject wise sample papers link, a quick intro about project and a few tips from my personal experience. So, Lets get started.
Sample Papers Links
Some questions will be wondering in your mind.
1. Answers? "Sab kaam main hi karoon", some are already solved.
2. Is this useful? Well, during my time, i saw the sample papers after the exam(nearly got heart-attack). around 6 questions were directly from these papers, not for all subjects and please don't put more burden on my mind by asking in which subjects.
I saw during CDAC R&D written exam almost half of the questions were directly from these sample papers(By the way, I cleared the written test).
The overall level of difficulty for these examinations is high for Bangalore people because the papers are set at Main Center but the way of teaching here is to prepare for Industry specifics.
You can ask your Pune friends who get sample papers by center.
Project Adventure(Exclusively For Bangalore People only)
At this time, when you are about to enter a company, you should know how to keep balance between different activities. You have to decide about how time to give to project and how much time to give to interview preparation.
First of all, do not go for "NASA" project. At this time, choose your technology wisely(on the availability of trainer).
Some typical projects chosen in our time: online banking, e-banking, online banking transaction system, Inventory management, Bus reservation System, Online reservation, e-reservation, online examination, e-exam, Online job portal, etc. Just name should be different.
Follow the process.
Finally, See how to prepare for Placements
Well, its time to go now but will see you soon on some different page.
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Please do not forget to rate interesting, cool or funny to give me feedback and Follow me on google+ below to get updated for latest blogs. Thank You.